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Homerecording –
The Basics


Introduction: In this article I will tell you something about the basics of homerecording. This article is intended more as a “jump start” for beginners than as a detailed elaboration with all kinds of sophisticated tips and tricks. We find…

Glassback – Hopeless


We did quite a lot of experimentation for the release of our song Hopeless. For one we released it on a Monday instead of the traditional New Music Friday in hopes of getting a little more attention. We also made…

Glassback – Your Misery

Artwork Your Misery

Our song Your Misery was written after we ditched a fully produced song that was already scheduled for release. It was one of those situations, where you listen to your finished work and realize that you really don’t like it…

Glassback – Fine With You

With Glassback, we as a band have done most by ourselves from the beginning. After the first few songs, which we still recorded with Olli from Blastbeat Productions in Kiel, we have now also moved on to recording our songs…

Glassback – Chillout Sessions

glassback chillout sessions artwork

On our Chillout Sessions EP we put all the previous Glassback songs into a more relaxed settingand collaborated with some great guests. We wanted to try something new besides our normalrock sound and see if our songs work without so…

Glassback – Over Again

glassback over again artwork

We released Over Again in January 2021, when the Corona numbers were particularly high.Actually we had planned a performance video for the song but we had to ditch the idea due to thehigh numbers. Instead we put our singer Tobi…

Glassback – Blank

glassback blank artwork

The idea for the song Blank was actually one of the first we ever had for the band Glassback. Butwe decided against recording it with Olli from Blastbeat Productions in early 2020 and reworked itinstead. We all really liked the…

Glassback – Sleepless Nights

glassback sleepless nights

Sleepless Nights was the first song we recorded alone at home and only outsourced mixing andmastering. The track is the heaviest song we have released so far. A lot of nostalgia came upduring the writing process and we felt very…

Glassback – Am I Okay?

glassback am i okay artwork

The instrumental for “Am I Okay?” was written in one afternoon in January 2020. The song is aboutnot fitting in. As an edgy metal teen from the village, you know this feeling all too well.For the video to the song…